Day: January 15, 2024

What is the LLQP Login?What is the LLQP Login?

llqp login

The llqp login is an important part of the journey to becoming a licensed life insurance agent in Canada. Once the course is completed, the student must pass four module certification exams. These are offered online through the llqp exam provider and are supervised by an attestation proctor. They are designed to be as fair and transparent as possible. Once a candidate passes the modules, the course provider will update their status on the Canadian Insurance Participant Registry or CIPR account. They will then be able to apply for the provincial LLQP licensing exams through their chosen province’s regulator.

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To register for an llqp exam in person, the candidate will need to have their CIPR number and a government issued photo ID. They will also need to fill out the application form available in the portal. They will be required to enter their legal name exactly as it appears on their ID and provide their residence address. Once the application is complete, the College of the North Atlantic will review it and issue a ticket for the exam.

The cost of the first exam attempt is included in the LLQP course enrolment fee. Additional attempts can be purchased for an additional $90 plus taxes. Students are allowed up to four exam attempts over a one year period. They are encouraged to take the time between exams to revisit resources and strengthen weak areas with chapter quizzes and videos. To make sure that the exam is as fair and transparent as possible, a candidate must be enrolled in a course and must have the required information before they can write an llqp exam.