A career in sports management requires more than a passion for the game; it also demands an intimate understanding of the business side. Whether you plan to manage a stadium, run the marketing and events for an intercollegiate athletic department, or work as a professional agent or recruiter, this graduate degree can help you advance in your chosen field.
Many MBA programs offer a specialization in sports management, which is ideal for individuals seeking to combine general business knowledge with the specifics of the industry. Typically, this track includes 3-5 courses that apply the general business knowledge learned in core MBA classes to topics like sport finance, leadership and ethics, managing sports teams and facilities, legal issues in sport, and sports marketing and promotion.
Why an MBA in Sports Management Can Elevate Your Career
MBAs with a concentration in sports management also tend to have extensive involvement from alumni all over the sports industry, who serve as peer mentors and can expose students to what different positions look like on a day-to-day basis. The more exposure students have, the more they can determine early on what roles are the best fit for them.
The MBA en Gestión Deportiva presents a more concentrated timeline designed to deliver rigorous, practical and industry-relevant business knowledge rapidly. This intensive academic immersion can help you gear up for your next step in the world of sports management, with potential employment opportunities ranging from director of a sport venue to an executive with a collegiate athletic department or a city recreation district.